I am a veteran of 10 years Royal Air Force Service.
I will be returning to Chiang Mai in October after a 3-year absence due to covid. Prior to that, I visited Chiang Mai 2-3 times per year.
In the UK, there is a loose organisation known as the AFVBF – Armed Forces Veteran Breakfast Club. It allows Armed Forces Veterans to get together and share their brotherhood with other veterans. It is spreading around he world.
I would like to know if there would be any interest in a club for veterans and their families in or near Chiang Mai, not only for veterans being able to drink with others that have served, but also with a family friendly atmosphere serving food from their home countries as well as wonderful Thai food.
If any have an interest, please email me at: daokrajai@hotmail.co.uk
Let’s get together and discuss in October.
John Wombwell