
Thursday 10 October 2024
The temperature Now
current weather icon Clear Sky
is 25°C
Updated: 2024-10-10 03:44:00
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Light Rain
    will be 25°C
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Scattered Clouds
    will be 24°C
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Light Rain
    will be 26°C
Chiang Mai
Airport Office Thailand has pledged a 24 billion baht investment in Chiang Mai International Airport as passenger numbers are expected to rise to 20 million people by 2027. The current passenger building, which is at 35,000 square metres will almost triple in size to 100,000 square metres.  All of this is to move towards a new strategy for Chiang Mai to become a hub for more long haul flights

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