A tale from Chiang Mai Narcotics Anonymous

Chiang Mai Narcotics Anonymous is here for anyone in need of support, please feel free to contact them

By | Thu 28 Jul 2022

Once upon a time, there was this little boy that grew up in New York City. I had no brothers and I had no sisters. I had a Mama and another Daddy and then they got a divorce.

After high school, I didn’t know what to do with myself, so I went up to the mountains to work part-time for the summer as a waiter and a busboy. I then came home after the summer and my Mama asked what are you going to do with your life? I said I think I’m going to go to Miami and continue my journey. To which she replied I think maybe you should go to the French Riviera and become a gigolo and if not, I would suggest that you go into the military.

So, as a little boy, I went off to Miami but not before I volunteered my draft at the local draft board. After about a month in Miami, I got a phone call from my Mama who says there is a letter here from the draft board and you are due to report for a physical examination. So, this little boy went into the army for two years, it was a very interesting experience. It was my first taste of Southeast Asia, after one year in America they shipped my butt off to South Korea – it was a learning experience. U.S. 5145 2406 Private Zim, Sir. The Sergeant would say give me ten push-ups Zim and so it was.

While I was there in June in South Korea, I smoked my first joint. My boss tried to talk me into re-enlisting and going to Vietnam but that was not what I was planning to do, so I got sent back to America and was discharged honourably and went to college for 4 years.

During these 4 years, I experimented with various substances. Due to my love of money, I decided to sell drugs and then facilitate the delivery of such from one part of the world to another.

After being in prison in four countries: India, England, USA and France. The latter being where I was expelled from in 1993 and told never to come back. I graduated after seven years in prison in France alone. I found myself at 52 years old now wondering what was I going to do with my life. One thing led to another and I found my way into Narcotics Anonymous today I have 28 years clean and serene. I’ve been living in Thailand for 15 years; a life beyond my wildest dreams, I never thought anything like this would ever happen. We do recover and I love Narcotics Anonymous.

I thank God every morning when I wake up for waking me up. After that, I say Good Morning God and I do my morning practice. My morning practice consists of steps 10 & 11 in the 12-steps of Narcotics Anonymous. Sometimes I do all the steps in a day and I tell myself it is a good day to be alive. Next month I will be 81 years old I don’t know how that happened. I don’t know much but everything happens for a reason.

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