TOP 80 VENUES IN ASIA! We’re pleased to announce that Le Coq d’Or has been selected to be on the “TOP 80 Asia” list and
5 December 2024
The temperature
Few Clouds
Updated: 2024-12-05 23:21:14
The temperature atScattered Cloudswill be 25°C
The temperature atFew Cloudswill be 23°C
The temperature atClear Skywill be 21°C
Chiang Mai
AirDeveloppa, a Chiang Mai based startup has designed and manufactured
EU announces Global Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valley
A 46th person has been identified with the Covid-19 virus, since the beginning of the
After more than three years of development, Recharge
OfficeMate, Thailand’s leading business to
AIS, Thailand’s largest digital network platform
25 June 2020: AIS announced the network vision of the
Rati Lanna Riverside Spa Resort, Chiang Mai has
15th June 2020, the public relations office of AIS
Prudential Thailand will now be offering free Covid-19
It has been a tough time for so many, and no less so
Kad Suan Kaew’s Major Cineplex will be opening in
AIS has been working on offering lifestyle solutions for the new normal. With habits and daily routines shifted beyond recognition, AIS aims to adjust to offer supporting platforms for changing times. GOMO is an app which helps you to consolidate your online channels and usages. At only 299 baht per month you will have a maximum speed of 50 GB and 512 Kbps continuous use. Unlimited AIS Super
Sections & Magazines
Hot Topic at Paapu House, Thursday Live Music Night.
Comedy Open MIC Night at The Moat House