Magic Theatre Poetry Reading

November 27

In three weeks–it’s the November 2019 Magic Theatre Poetry Reading!

Once again it’s on a Wednesday (November 27), because Thursday is Thanksgiving in the USA, which is the day when all Americans give thanks that they no longer live with their parents, and all expats give thanks that they no longer live in their country.

There will be a music performance before the show for those who come early to dine or drink. (Please do; the food is great here.)

Two featured readers will perform a 15 minute poetry set each.

And there will be an open mic afterwards (one poem, sign up on the night). You are welcome to share original work or the work of others in any language as long as it is credited.

Come give thanks for Poetry! Come and share your magic!

Event Details

Timing: 7pm - 8pm

My Secret Cafe In Town

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