Light Language Sound Healing

August 17

Come and experience an afternoon of deep journeying and healing through the medium of Light Language. After a ‘Light Language Transmission’, people often report profound emotional and physical shifts, resulting in a process of deep purification.

Light Language, in its many forms and expressions, is a powerful healing, activation and Ascension tool. When spoken or sung, it is a form of sound therapy that can help us connect with higher realms of Consciousness. Healing frequencies are transmitted through sound, that help to awaken our Spirit and align us with the divine blueprint of ‘who we truly are’.

It allows us to communicate directly with Source without the interference of the programmed human mind, while activating Light Codes to assist with healing and restoration on all levels.

Light Language can be used for:
• Physical healing
• Reprogramming our thoughts and emotions
• Ancestral and karmic clearing
• Attunements and empowerments
• Facilitating the restructuring of our DNA
• Facilitating shifts in Consciousness
• Integrating of multidimensional soul aspects, and in soul retrieval
• …. And so much more

Today’s focus is on meeting and balancing the Divine Masculine and Feminine aspects inherent within each of us. We all have both archetypes, regardless of our gender, and the aim today is to balance both these aspects so that we thrive by being the very best versions of ourselves. The focus is supported by a Light Language transmission which delivers addition healing and activations, in addition to today’s theme.

The transmission will be facilitated by Kwun Pang from the UK, a multi-disciplinary healer with over 14 years experience in the healing arts. He currently has his own practice in Glastonbury UK, and has facilitated workshops and healing circles in London, Glastonbury and Thailand. What he offers is the culmination of over a decade’s worth of exploration, multi-disciplinary training and attunements (including in Reiki and Reconnective Healing), working with Source and other aspects of Source energy such as Galactic energies, all expressed through the medium of Light Language.

“I highly recommend your work to anyone who wants to go deep into their healing, way beyond the construct of the mind and emotions. You can tap into a place that exists beyond “normal” comprehension which is why it brings such amazing transformation.”

– Catherine Björkstén, Founder of Akasha Awakening,
Awakening Guide and Soul Plan Reader at Akasha Awakening and the College of Psychic Studies – London

Cost: 200 Baht

Private sessions also available by appointment.

Event Details

Timing: 4pm

Chiang Mai Holistic

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