SYM Clinic at Buri Siriping Resort
May 27
SYM Clinic held a two day seminar at Buri Siriping Riverside Resort & Spa.
Dr. Untika Thippharak, Managing Director of SYM Clinic, organized various beauty consultation activities. Dr. Lee Won, the owner of 21 Plastic Surgery Hospital flew from Korea to give his expert and advice on Koreasurger, Korean beauty on 27 and 28 May 2023.
Korea’s first exclusive consultation for plastic surgery in the North Special with pre-care service and after Korean plastic surgery recovering in Thailand with a course to reduce swelling under the supervision of doctors at Sym clinic Save time and cost take care of beauty until returning to Thailand.
For further information contact Tel. 065-9416924 Page FB Sym Clinic IG Sym.koreasurger