Innovation Driven Enterprise for Sustainability in Chiang Mai

October 25

Innovation Driven Enterprise for Sustainability in Chiang Mai at the Shangri La Hotel
Project Documentation Food Innovation and Health Product Innovation for Sustainable Development of Chiang Mai Province. 1. การจัดการประกวด Hylife Innovation Excellence Awards 2024 the purpose of holding a contest To support public and private sectors as well as individuals in the field of food and healthcare technology to be creative, design and implementation of knowledge in science and technology, creating innovations in food products and sanitary products. This is aimed at strengthening cooperation between the private sector and government agencies in supporting business establishments and personnel with creative works. This will allow Hi-Life Group to seek out quality business establishments or personnel from various places to work in the organisation and select the concept of participating food products and sanitary products for commercial development. This is to prepare and adapt to the innovative transformation towards sustainable development in Chiang Mai, the northern region, and to reach the national level. Contest topics are divided into 2 categories: Food for Future is the theme of Food Innovation. The concept of Healthcare Product Innovation under the theme of Healthy Living Innovation. The contest prizes are divided into 3 categories: 1 Hylife Excellence Awards Got a trophy from the High Life Group. a prize of 50,000 baht Certificate of qualification The Best Awards are divided into 2 award categories as follows: หัวข้อ Healthy Living Innovation One of the best awards, number one. Got a trophy from the High Life Group. The prize money is 30,000 baht. Certificate of qualification One of the 2nd Best Awards Awarded the High Life Group trophy. Prize money is 20,000 baht. Certificate of qualification หัวข้อ Food for Future One of the best awards, number one. Got a trophy from the High Life Group. The prize money is 30,000 baht. Certificate of qualification One of the 2nd Best Awards Awarded the High Life Group trophy. Prize money is 20,000 baht. Certificate of qualification The list of awardees is as follows: The Hylife Excellence Awards Dr. X Pesticide Screening Kit (DR. EX.Pesticide screening test kit) Click for more information, Dr.X. Food for Future Top Awards are: High-protein noodles. Click for more information. High-protein Noodle The second best award under the theme Food for Future is: Immune Boosting Cold Brew Coffee Click for more information Immune Boosting Cold Brew Coffee The first prize under the topic of Healthy Living Innovation is: System for the elderly with a sensor (fall prevention system for the tenderly) Click for more information. The second best award under the topic of Healthy Living Innovation is: In the Injection and Insulin Temperature Alert dialog box, click for more information, Insubox. The list of 5 special award recipients is as follows: 1. Best Innovation for Sustainability Award Pineapple Vinegar Craft Soda Ready to Drink 2. Best Social Impact Product Award (Best Social Impact Product Award) White Tiger Bean Milk (White Tiger) 3. Outstanding Business Award (Outstanding Business Award) Crocodile oil supplements for the control of sugar and fat in the blood (Crocodile Oil Supplements). 4. Best Presentation Award (Best Presentation Award) Functional substances from mycelium, gold lease (Imuneup) 5. Creative Excellence Award BeanPro by Power B is a synbiotic plant protein. 2. A special lecture. Lectures under the theme “Innovation Driven Enterprise for Sustainability in Chiang Mai” and speakers. Specials include the following: 1. The topic is Growth Fund: Funding for sustainable growth of innovative business operators. By Dr. Surat Supasat, Deputy Director for Economic and Social Affairs, National Innovation Agency (NIA) 2. Subject: Recent Innovations and Trends in Food and Wellness: A new approach to food and health innovation to access financial resources by Associate Professor Dr. Duangporn Amornlertpisan, head of the Center for Excellence in Agricultural Innovation for Graduate Entrepreneurs (Agri-Inno). 3. The topic Supporting SME Innovation for Sustainable Growth: Supporting SME innovations for sustainable growth by Professor Dr. Kalay Kalayanamitr, Director of Agricultural Technology and Food Science Park (MAP) 4. REGEN Agriculture & Food CHIANGMAI – A Beacon of Hope for Restructuring Agriculture & Food Systems: Revitalization of agricultural and food products in Chiang Mai. Pramet Chumyim, Senior Advisor to the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), and Manager of the Food Innovation City Restaurant Business Development Program. a sponsor of a contest Lalita PPO Co., Ltd. (Lalita PPO Co. ,Ltd.) Luxury Chiang Mai Land Co., Ltd. , Ltd. ) Company K. Bio Science Co., Ltd. (K. Bio Sciences Co. , Ltd. ) Contact for inquiries. E-mail : ide@hylife. Phone: 094-2765752 (Team)

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