Global Harmonies at Paapu House
February 8
Global Harmonies at Paapu House. Global Harmonies is not your average choir. They sing songs in many languages, from around the world – including ancient polyphony from Bulgaria and Georgia, Thai and Karen folk songs, as well as fun arrangements of ‘Western’ songs.
The next event at Paapu House is on February 10: Japan Guitar Shop : A Cambodian based band straight from Phnom Penh, warming up for the Shambhala-festival later that week in Chiang Dao. This is your unique opportunity to hear and see them play in Chiang Mai. No Japan Guitars will be for sale, but if you want to know why they call themselves that way, Paapu House is the place to find it out…. Clear your calendar: this Saturday, February 10 is the date. Program: 7pm: Doors open(*) 8pm: Stage warmed up by Helicopter Secondhand, a 3 piece band, including a didgeridoo, performing very unique psychedelic-ish sounds. 9.30pm: Japan Guitar Shop: A Cambodia-based original rock, soul, blues, and hip-hop. Not to be missed! It will be an amazing night, we promise you, be there or….! (*) no food is being served, so come with a full belly t’s FREE – It’s FUN!!! Paapu House located north/east corner of the moat – for further details check out their face book page or call: 098-3297835.