The Little Story and Recipe of Pickled Taro Stem Soup

 |  December 14, 2018


  Bussakorn Pitchayatit is a writer who writes prose and poetry on all things of interest to her. This month she shares a little story and recipe she recently discovered. We shan’t translate the recipe into Thai as it’s very complex with rare ingredients no one here a Spoon&Fork has ever even heard of!     But we will share the fact that as a food lover Bussakorn, who moved to Chiang Mai from Bangkok ten years ago, was thrilled to have discovered a bushel of taro stems being sold in a local market recently. She immediately remembered a long forgotten family dish her grandmother used to make for her; pickled taro stem soup. After much asking around she couldn’t find anyone in her family who could remember how to pickle a taro stem as there are drying and pickling processes which were lost to time.     So one day she asked her Tai Yai housekeeper whether she had heard of how to pickle a taro stem. Amazingly the maid did and between the two of them they recreated the complex dish of her childhood. Lesson learned? So many cultures and people share resources and techniques and she is curious to continue her journey to learn more…hopefully to be shared on our pages. If you do want the recipe, write to us and we will send it to you in English