June 24th 2024, Suanprung Psychiatric Hospital, piloted the PEMS: Psychiatric Emergency Medical Services project to develop guidelines for organizing psychiatric emergency medical services in Health Region 1. Those who are responsible for psychiatry and medical services, including emergency doctors at hospitals in Health Region 1 in the government and private sectors, local government organizations, police, rescuers, and psychiatric emergency teams, as well as community leaders were invited to brainstorm ideas for organizing guidelines for the provision of psychiatric emergency medical services (PEMS) or the first manual of mental health care in Thailand.

Dr. Kit Kawee Phono, Assistant Director-General of the Department of Mental Health, and the Director of Suanprung Psychiatric Hospital said that over the past year, the number of psychiatric patients has increased. They were provided with physical assistance and psychiatric emergency medical services (PEMS). The National Institute for Emergency Medicine funding would expand guidelines throughout the country and cooperate with all sectors so that psychiatric patients would receive appropriate medical treatment and facilities.

Dr. Kit Kawee Phono further said that psychiatric emergency patients refer to patients with severely abnormal thoughts, emotions, or behavior. They have extreme depression or anxiety and use drugs or alcohol which is harmful.
If you need emergency help, please call 191 or 1669.