Man Arrested for Minor Posession of Yaba and Opium After NPCO Get Tough

 | Fri 16 Sep 2016 05:38 ICT

CityNews – Police arrested a man in Chiang Dao for possession of Yaba and Opium when his house was raided after the government demands another crack down on drugs.

man opium yaba arrest

Twenty police officers raided a house without an address in the Muang Na Sub-district of Chiang Dao after a new order was sent from the National Council for Peace and Order (NPCO) demanding authorities do more to completely destroy the existence of Yaba in the north of Thailand.

One man was arrested in the raid, 45-year-old Dao Numkham, after he was found to be in possession of 11 Yaba pills and 50 grams of opium.

He accepted the charge and is awaiting prosecution.