“I can assure you that the Chiang Mai Public Health Office treats all residents of Chiang Mai equally whatever their nationality or immigration status when it comes to prevention of communicable diseases such as COVID-19,” Secretary of Consular Corps Ben Svasti, Honorary British Consul told CityNews in response to our enquiries about often conflicting and confusing Covid updates aimed at the foreign residents of our province.
“Obviously the virus is not checking nationality before infecting someone. Several members of the consular corps along with foreign health consultants in Chiang Mai have formed a strong working group with provincial public health officials to ensure that vaccination priorities are determined by health vulnerabilities, such as age and underlying health conditions, and not by race. We have just set up a working group composed of Chiang Mai Public Health officials, consular reps, foreign medical personnel in order to plan for and implement an efficient COVID-19 vaccination campaign for foreign nationals residing in Chiang Mai Province.”
He urges residents to please visit the official Chiang Mai Public Health Office web site for continued updates, as it is the only source from which all latest updates are posted. Or you can read further…
The campaign goal of the working group is to get at least 70% of the international community in Chiang Mai vaccinated against COVID-19 in the coming months.
To that end, CityNews has pledged our support towards the group’s three main objectives: 1) Encouraging the international community in Chiang Mai to register to be vaccinated by providing them with accurate and timely information; 2) To providing support to Chiang Mai Provincial Health Office in the planning and implementation of vaccination operations for foreign nationals through facilitating liaison with the international community; and 3) To reduce stress and misunderstanding among foreign nationals during vaccination operation by providing operation them with interpreters, media and signposts in their own languages.
Frankly, the sooner we get this vaccination job done and get to the 70% herd immunity level, then the sooner our lives can return to some form of normalcy and we can travel and go out again, so please join us in supporting the group’s objectives, by helping to spread this information amongst members of the foreign community.
We have also offered our support to the working group in asking our readers for their hopes and fears as to any Covid-related issues. Please feel free to send your emails to [email protected] and we will pass them on to the group.
To that end, we have simply copied and pasted their current Frequently Asked Questions below and we hope to be able to help them to expand this section with your questions, concerns and suggestions. This page is an ongoing feature and will be updated as new developments and information becomes available. So please continue to email us with your questions and concerns.
1. Question: If I have already pre-registered by email or with a mobile team at one of the shopping centres, do I need to fill in this request form?
1. Answer: Yes. Because the province of Chiang Mai has created a web-based application that requires individuals to enter their identification information to request vaccination. Unfortunately, individuals who have previously submitted identification information will need to use this format as previously submitted information cannot be transferred to this new platform.
2. Question: Will I be able to choose which vaccine I am vaccinated with?
2. Answer: At the current time, the Chiang Mai Public Health Office only offers Sinovac and AstraZenaca. This may change in the future and the addition of any new vaccines will be posted on the website, chiangmaihealth.go.th, so please check for updates.
3. Question: When will vaccination of foreigners in Chiang Mai take place?
3. Answer: At the current time, the availability of vaccines to non-Thai nationals is dependent on several factors beyond our control, so it is difficult to anticipate when this will occur. Again, as stated above, check our website, chiangmaihealth.go.th for updates as we will make this information available to the public as soon as we know.
4. Question: I am eager to receive COVID-19 vaccination but I have been unable due to the COVID-19 situation to extend my visa. Will my visa be checked before I am allowed to be vaccinated.
4. No. Medical teams performing vaccinations are only interested in vaccination and control of communicable diseases. They have no role in checking visas and will not be passing your personal information to any other government agency.
5. Question: I have not received a confirmation email what should I do?
5. Answer: Sometimes there can be a delay before you receive a confirmation email. Also, please check your spam and junk email folder. We ask that you allow 24 hours to receive your confirmation. If you have not received it by this time, contact us at [email protected].
6. Question: When can we expect gyms, swimming pools and indoor exercise venues like badminton to be opened?
6. Answer: We realise closing these facilities has been a huge inconvenience for many. We are striving to find the right balance between allowing the re-opening of these facilities versus increasing the risk of contracting Covid. Our policy decision-making committee is aware of the issue and is actively monitoring the situation, and if the Covid case numbers remain low as they are currently being reported as of 1st June, we hope to have a favourable decision soon.
We should add that even when these facilities are re-opened, individuals will be required to wear masks at all times, whether you have been vaccinated or not, until such a time the Public Health Department decides it is safe to do otherwise. THIS is the link we suggest you bookmark and visit regularly for all updates. https://www.cm-healthcare.net/CMCVR.