North-South Craft Forum at TEDxChiangMai 2019

September 7

During this panel we will discuss and share craft, community issues and share between experience in the South of Thailand and Northern Thailand.

Issues in the South and North, opportunities for collaboration between craft communities and makers in each region

Uniqueness of Craft in each region– compare, share and learn from each other.
How does Wanita Enterprise for Community upscale?

The experience working with the British Council in Crafting Futures project and how the British Council program contributes to women empowerment & peace building.

Our partners for this panel /workshop are the British Council, MICE, Salahmade, and STeP.

You need a valid ticket for TEDxChiangMai to join this workshop.

There will also be an all day long exhibition and of course the entire TEDxChiangMai event.

Event Details

Timing: 1pm - 2.15pm

Northern Science Park
