Sunday Funday – Mindful Jars

September 1

Morning time crafting with our art teacher followed by a deeper art inquiry.

In the afternoon we will make mindful jars and talk about the qualities of a relaxed mind vs. a busy mind. We will then use the jars in our yoga class as tangible focal points (drishti) to help find balance and mindful attention throughout our practice

We will also cook up some healthy snacks and discuss mindful eating!

10am – 11am : Garden art
11am – 11:30am : Snack/ Play Break
11:30am -12:30pm : Garden Art
12:30pm – 1:30pm : Lunch Break
1:30pm – 2:30pm : Yoga : mindful jars
2:30pm – 3:00pm : Snack
3pm – 4pm: Cooking : smoothie bowls

The workshop is available as a half day (500 THB) / full day (1000 THB) of weekend camp. Passes are also happily accepted.

Event Details

Timing: 10am - 4pm

Kids Yoga Garden

062 741 7444 Email Facebook