February 2022 Magic Theatre Poetry Reading
February 24

February! The Tuesday of months, when New Year’s was ages ago, and spring is eons away. February! When the Chiang Mai air is like sand with oxygen. (Although not quite yet, which is great, right?) February! Which means it’s time for another live Magic Theatre Poetry Reading, on Thursday the 24th, at 6:30 PM, at My Secret Café In Town in Chiang Mai’s Old City.
If you’re still in the city, come share your words with us; if you’re not, fly back so you can see this month’s feature, Rosalie Wilmot, newly returned from Seattle, who will have great things to say (and possibly sing).
WHERE: My Secret Café In Town.
WHEN: 6:30PM-9:30PM
WHO: You, on the Open Mic.
WHEN: 6:30PM-9:30PM
WHO: You, on the Open Mic.
There will be a sign-up list for the Open Mic at the event, but if you’d like to reserve a spot beforehand, just comment on this post.
Depending on how many people show up, each slot will be 5-7 minutes long. Please factor in any introduction as part of your mic time. You can field comments after your set, should you so choose. If you read someone else’s work, please credit them. And if your subject is potentially offensive or triggering, please respect the audience by giving a warning in advance.
See you on the 27th!
Event Details
My Secret Cafe In Town