Release your Shoulders, Hips and Back!

December 21

This special 2-hour Awareness Through MovementĀ® workshop is open to ANYONE!

You will learn how to move gently, with special attention in order to notice things you never realized about yourself and leave with a feeling of ease and empowerment, inspiration and some interesting somatic tools for your wellness toolbox.

Awareness Through MovementĀ® is part of a self-mastery practice (Feldenkrais MethodĀ®) to improve comfort and ease in your body, especially the area of your shoulders, hips and back, enhance your thinking, and create a deep inner stillness that helps you liberate yourself from a lifetime of postural habits, conditioning and self-limiting beliefs.

400 baht – register in advance at Chiang Mai Holistic

Event Details

Timing: 12pm - 2pm

Chiang Mai Holistic

083 248 1250 Email Facebook