Improv Foundations Deep Dive

September 9 - September 24

This 3 week, 6 class Foundations Deep Dive is going to be INCREDIBLE! You will have the opportunity to work with the same group for the duration of the course. This will allow you to build trust and generate ensemble magic! We will slowly and carefully go through the most essential skills of improv. You will gain tricks, tools, and techniques that will give you confidence and competence navigating the improv world. Let’s sharpen your listening skills, open your ability to give & receive, learn the components of a scene, develop a strong yet flexible group mind, and unlock your power as a brilliant and trustworthy performer!

No experience with improv? No problem! This course is open to beginners and experienced players alike. We are starting from square one and growing and building from there. And for you pros- there is ALWAYS something to learn from deep diving into the core components of successful improv!

Terrified? Don’t be! Once you show up, you will see that the Mind Into Matter play space is no more intimidating than a banana split with extra sprinkles- loud and colorful for sure, but totally digestible! We prioritize the comfort of every individual in the room. We thrive to support one another and build trust among the players. You are welcome. Your ideas are welcome. Let’s put our ideas together and make something entirely unique!

This is a closed course for 10 players, first come first serve. Message Mind Into Matter ASAP to reserve your spot.
*Spots will be prioritized to people who foresee being able to attend all 6 classes. If you can not attend all 6 classes, send a message to Mind Into Matter with your situation. We will see what we can do.

The cost is 900b
*You can pay Magie Hogan at the Mind Into Matter Improv Show on Thur 9/5, the Mind Into Matter Improv Workshop Chiang Mai on Sun 9/1 or 9/8, or the first day of the course on 9/9 if necessary

The location is CUBE No.7 Coffee & Eatery, upstairs room

If you don’t get into Septembers Foundation Deep Dive, don’t worry! There will be another course offered in October- Monday&Tuesday 7th-22nd, and November- Monday&Tuesday 11th-26th.

Can’t wait to get this filled up and rolling! We have some exploring to do!

Event Details

Timing: 5.30pm

Mind Into Matter Improv
97/1 Siri Mangkalajarn Rd
