Ego Unravelling – A Deep Dive Workshop

May 30

Ego unraveling is about understanding two sides of ourselves. One side is our timeless, powerful Spirit or Soul. The other side is our fear-driven ego, shaped by past traumas and negative experiences.

The ego keeps us small and afraid, using distractions and fears to trap us in a mindset of scarcity and separation. But by facing our past and unraveling these patterns, we find strength and empowerment, reconnecting with our true self – our Soul.

This journey helps us take control of our lives by recognizing our choices, owning our decisions, and connecting with the inner guidance of soul – our true. It’s about understanding the different parts of ourselves and learning to make choices that align with our deepest desires and values.

In this Deep Dive 2 hour workshop we will explore these two ‘selves’ formed by two very different thought systems and often operating at odds with each other. We will discover the specific age or ages of these wounded parts and invite them to come home to soul – in the way that’s right for them. By exploring and understanding the ego, you will be able to unravel it and finally start to make choices based on who you really are and what you want for yourself, your life and your soul together as one – no separation.

2 Deep Dives available

Chiang Mai Thailand Thursday, 30 May, 08:00:00 ICT UTC+7

New York (USA) Wednesday, 29 May 21:00:00 EDT UTC-4 hours

Corresponding UTC (GMT) Thursday, 30 May 2024, 01:00:00

Chiang Mai Thailand Thursday, 30 May, 17:00:00 ICT UTC+7 hours

London United Kingdom Thursday, 30 May, 11:00:00 BST UTC+1 h

Corresponding UTC (GMT) Thursday, 30 May 2024, 10:00:00

Places are limited to 6 people per Deep Dive to ensure maximum benefit for all.

Event Details