Chiang Mai Nayu Sustainability Dialogue & Survey Presentation

February 16

Chiang Mai Nayu Sustainability is organizing it’s first in a series of educational workshops in 2020, taking place this 16 February 2020, 2-5pm in at Free Bird cafe, Nimman.

First a short presentation of the results collected from our 4 month long effort to engage residents of Chiang Mai on the Sustainability issues of concern in Chiang Mai.

The workshop will be used to clarify what are the important indicators and action areas that should frame a free public access web-based Sustainability information platform that will serve as a catalyst for integrated and collaborative action by individuals and groups to make our city one of the top-runner Sustainable medium-sized cities in Asia.

We invite you to join us in this workshop because your participation is essential to its success and the ultimate aim of the movement. The workshop will be in Thai and English. Maximum 50 participants. Please confirm your attendance below.

Kick off is at 2pm so please come earlier to get a bite to eat or have a drink. We are being gifted the space for free for by Lisa and Free Bird cafe so it will be appreciated if you enjoyed some delicious food (lunch) and or drinks while there so come a little earlier if you like.

Workshop Program:
1. Clearly articulate what this volunteer initiative is about and is trying to achieve

2. A brief presentation of the output of the last three CM Nayu dialogues and the results of the Chiang Mai Garden City Life survey will be delivered.

3. Then action is required. Participants will organize themselves in to four teams according to the 4 points of Sustainability Compass. Nature, Economy, Society, Well-being. You choose which group you wish to work in. Each group will have a facilitator. We will then work together to discuss and agree the Top 5 Key Indicators for each Compass point.
At the end of the afternoon we will have agreed the Top 20 Key Indicators to be monitored and measured for a Sustainable Chiang Mai.

4. Once the top 5 Key Indicators have been agreed by each of the four teams according to each compass point, we will begin to brainstorm, discuss and ideally identify the source of information, meaning the organisations in CM that work on these particular issues that could provide data to the online dashboard for the key indicators.

The Group Facilitators:
Nature – Nong Lala
Economy – Nate Su
Society – Luke Hancock
Wellbeing – Susana Hancock

The workshop will be led by Luke Hancock and Nong Lala.

Event Details


Free Bird Cafe

099 351 4404 Email Facebook