Breathwork (PLB) x Sound Journey 7 Chakras
February 18
Humanity has been through a huge test through divide and conquer globally if not cosmically.
Come join Kru Bank & Kru Ali and bring your like-minded soul friends for this Inner World Peace gathering which encompasses breathwork technologies and sound healing therapy, how we can co-create inner peace to world peace to get through these times, a holistic high-vibrational healing sound journey and Piercing Light Breathwork (PLB).
Bring your drinking water, tissue paper and maybe eye pillow if you need.
Highly recommended to those who haven’t have cardiovascular-related or lung-related disease history, during pregnancy, and/or with abnormal blood pressure.
Apart from those, this is an all-level workshop, please invite your friends who may need this healing light to join in and let’s co-create a new earth and high-vibrational living parallel universe or personal reality together. Respect the mainstream downward spiral but we don’t need to follow the majority all the NOWs.
Please eat light breakfast or ideally empty stomach before the session.
Hope to see YOU in Presence soon.
RESERVE YOUR SPOT via 083-248-1250
Event Details
Chiang Mai Holistic