The Best Christmas Choir Ever Dress Rehearsal

November 21

Citylife was invited to Gate Theater’s The Best Christmas Choir dress rehearsal at AUA Language School Auditorium Students….
November 23 / 24 / 25 Gate Theater Presents The Best Christmas Choir Ever is in rehearsal for another go at performing at the annual Christmas Concert. They aren’t very good but at least they all showed up! The assistant church piano player isn’t prepared for what awaits him at this one last rehearsal before their Christmas Eve performance. Join us for this funny, fast and zany send up human nature which will make you squirm, laugh and think at the same time. November 23, 24, & 25. All performances are at 7:pm. AUA Language School Auditorium Students 400 THB / Adults 500 THB Tickets available at the door, and at The Dukes Riverside and Ruamchok locations, Assist Thai Visa – for further info call 087-177-2199

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