Northern Agricultural Expo 2022 Press Conference
November 21
A press conference was held to announce the Northern Agricultural Expo 2022 will take place from 1 – 12 December 2022, from 9am until 9pm, at the Chiang Mai University Farm in Mae Hia (just off the Canal Road, south of the city).
This year, the 55th Anniversary of the founding of Faculty of Agriculture, the Northern Agricultural Expo u concept is: “Smart Agricultural Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals”. The expo has 6 zones across 200 acre of natural land at the Mae Hia Agricultural Research, Demonstration, and Training Center or CMU Farm at Mae Hia:
1. Agrinovations for sustainability: This zone will display cutting edge innovation in agriculture and food sciences both regarding agricultural machinery business, smart greenhouse systems, IoT systems, biogas, seed technology, and agrochemicals.
2. Amazing Agrotourism: This zone is an important land mark right next to the reservoir. The zone contains agrotourism activities, high-end restaurant, exhibition plots, and balloon shows.
3. Living and Learning + Green & Clean Market: This zone displays knowledge, research, and innovation from Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University alongside with other related organizations within the university. It displayed process and methods of safe vegetable production, green house plant production, the new theory agriculture model, agricultural machinery demonstration, along with the exhibitions from non-governmental organization and governmental organization including the Royal Project Foundation and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.
4. Greennovation Wonderland: This zone displays gardening strategies, plant variety, and plant contests.
5. Happy Farmland: This zone displays animal farm, entertaining pets, exhibitions about animal sciences and fishery, animal products, exotic pet market, and animal contests including dogs, birds, and fish.
6. Agrinovation Forum: This zone arranged talks and seminars related to highly interested topic involving modern agriculture such as hemp and cannabis product, financial stability by agriculture, BCG Model, and SDGs. It also hosts the 7th National Soil and Fertilizer Conference at the Northern Science and Technology Park (STeP)
Furthermore, the Faculty provides group tours and guided group tours for the exposition. You can reach the Student Activity Unit to arrange time and guides to visit different parts of the expo. More information could be found at the Public Relation Unit of the 10th Northern Agricultural Expo via +6653-944001; +6653-944078; +6683-9473214; +6694-6199315; and the following online channels.