Medium Rare French Dinner First Night
August 5
On 5 & 6 August 2022 Medium Rare is offering lovers of classical French cuisine with a nine course regional French cuisine experience (two nights only!). The progression of dishes offered cover all the classics, focusing on regional variants; pan fried foie gras with toast apples, classic beef tartare with brioche, savoury Domes pancakes with frog legs meunière, soup au pistou, boudin blanc au Roquefort cheese, wagyu sirloin beef Bordeaux style and Lanes style roasted pigeon, each adding Medium Rare accents to classic dishes, in terms of sauces or other special tastes and flourishes. End the lovely meal with a twist on the ice cream Sundae, the white lady, a favourite from the Swiss border. These are basic tastes of French home cooking and lovers of the cuisine will find these familiar dishes cooked to perfection. 2499 THB ++ per person.
Medium Rare 108/12 Somphotchiangmai 700 years road GPS: Close every Monday Open: 11 am. – 2 pm., 5 pm. – 9.30 pm. Tel. 094 242 5266