Citylife Visits Thai Tribal Crafts
January 27
Citylife intern Olivia Liu meets up with Elias Maung from Thai Tribal Crafts to talk about their upcoming 50 Anniversary:
February 11, Saturday 50th Anniversary of Thai Tribal Crafts Fair Trade, a member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) at 208 Bumruang Rajd Road between 9:00am – 5:00pm. Please join our Fair Trade highland tribal community in celebrating 50 years of TTC Fair Trade not-for-profit-business and experience the Fair Trade woven textile products, historical archives, and the traditional weaving classroom. In 1973, two visionary and pioneering American women created TTC Fair Trade. TTC continues as a not-for-profit fair-trading organization to provide local employment to the indigenous tribal peoples in northern Thailand and ensures their sustainable economic opportunities ( ). Please RSVP at Telephone: 053-241-043, Mobile: 093-320-7089, or E-mail: [email protected]