Today reporters in Chiang Mai were contacted by Achara Wilaiwittayakul, 29, from Sanpatong, asking for publicity for her case.
According to Achara, on the 26th July a relative of hers, Nualsri Udomsri, 57, who is a noodle vendor, was attacked by a 59 year old man who broke her arm. She also suffered from some other minor injuries and her mother also was attacked. The man in question has refused any responsibility and while the police have been notified, Achara says that nothing has happened to the man, who hasn’t even been contacted by the police.
Achara says that she is a relative of the mother and daughter and the incident happened following the funeral of another relative when words were said about who would do the cleaning up. She said that there were many witnesses who saw the man grab Nualsri by the head and bang her on a table, before beating her up and injuring her mother.
The village head has tried to bring the two parties to negotiate but the man has refused to accept any blame and won’t pay for hospital costs.
The accused has also been driving around the village threatening to use his connections, should anyone come after him, said Achara, who asks for justice for her relative who now can not earn a living as she is injured.