CityNews – Local artist launches BubbleShoes, a series of cartoon images that explore the trials and revelations of childhood innocence and deeper philosophical reflections.
Supinya ‘Goy’ Kankankul hails from Chiang Mai and has had several well received art exhibitions in recent times. Her latest work, BubbleShoes is a series of cartoon images with messages that are derived from the trials and revelations of childhood, some images present the magical wisdom of innocence while others recreate her deeper philosophical reflections over those early milestones of her journey.
The debut series has been translated from Thai into English, French and Chinese, with Dutch, German, Korean, Spanish, Italian and Japanese translations coming soon.
For those in Chiang Mai this month, visit Jethro’s Lounge, a Belgian restaurant in town from December 1st to January 31st 2018 and see the work for yourself.
12/8 Soi 2, Ratchiangsean Road, Chiang Mai
086 195 3845