Ancient Cave Paintings Found in Krabi

 | Wed 19 Mar 2014 09:36 ICT

CityNews – On March 17, Niwat Wattanayomanaporn, Chairman of Krabi ONEP, surveyed stone terraces in Khian Mountain, Baan Nai Sa in Krabi. The area spans over 100 rai (40 acres), and is under review by Khao Thong Subdistrict Administrative Organization as a potential tourist attraction.A beautiful beach view in Krabi.The site’s characteristics are uncommon in Southern Thailand as it consists of seven brown rock terraces surrounding the mountain. Some spots have 360? viewpoints. Niwat told the Daily News reporter that a French archaeologist had surveyed the site back in 1983. They thought the site was once under sea level before going through geological transformations like volcanic and seismic activities. The soil top turns into rock with trace of lava river. 

He also said that the site has the same characteristics as Phu Chi Fa, Chiang Rai’s tourist attraction. He thinks the site is suitable for geological and eco-tourism. The 40 acres is perfect for sightseeing and camping. There are two spots near the cliff with ancient paintings of basic geometrical shapes, humans, animals and boats. It’s thought to have once been the habitat of prehistoric humans.

“The paintings are from the same historic period as Phi Hua To Cave in Ao Luek, Krabi, which is approximately 3,000-5,000 years old per the National Fine Art Department’s data. The FAD will further investigate Khian Mountain before turning it into geological and eco-tourism attraction” said Niwat.

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