Prem scholarships for academic year 2020-21

 | Tue 21 Jan 2020 12:00 ICT

In celebration of PremTinsulanonda International School’s 20th Anniversary, we are delighted to offer 20 substantial new scholarships across a wide range of disciplines. These are open to students joining Prem in Grades 9 to 11 (age 14 to 17) for Academic Year 2020-21. 

  • Arts Scholarships (3 scholarships available for 50% reduction in tuition fees):

Applicants should demonstrate outstanding achievement/performance in any area of the arts. Evidence such as a portfolio, video or audio recordings and two references are required to support the application.

  • ASEAN Scholarship (1 scholarship available for 50% reduction in tuition and boarding fees): to celebrate Thailand joining the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), Prem Tinsulanonda International School is proud to offer an ASEAN Scholorship to a student from any of the ASEAN member countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam).

This scholarship aims to encourage and promote ASEAN understanding, culture and learning. Students must have a strong academic record and engage in a range of creative, service, active and leadership projects. The scholarship will enable the successful applicant to study and take a leadership role at Prem.

  • Athletic Scholarships (3 scholarships available for 50% reduction in school tuition fees):

Our Athletic Scholarships aim to attract students who demonstrate outstanding achievement/performance in any area of sport or athletics. Competing times/videos and two coach references are required to support the application.

  • Global Academic Scholarships (10 scholarships available for 50% reduction in tuition fees):

To recognise the diversity of our school, we will be offering ten scholarships for outstanding academic performance: two from each continent Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia. Students must have a strong academic record and engage in a range of creative, service, active and leadership projects. Two years of school reports, two academic references and an essay should accompany the application form.

  • Prem Music Scholarship (100% tuition fee scholarship for prospective Thai nationals): Prem is pleased to offer the 100% Scholarship for Music to prospective Thai nationals applying for Grades 9 – 11 in August 2020.  Students applying for the Prem Scholarship for Music should excel in: musical ability, academics, attitude and commitment to both studies and performance.


  • Intensive English Programme Scholarships (4 scholarships available for 20% reduction in IEP tuition fees are available for new IEP students aged 8 to 15.):

We offer the IEP scholarships to students demonstrating outstanding academic performance for 20% reduction in IEP tuition fees for up to one year of study in the Intensive English Programme.  Two years of school reports and two teacher references should accompany the application.   The deadline for applying for all Prem Scholarships is Friday 13 March 2020 and successful applicants will be notified by Friday 3 April 2020. For more information about our scholarships please visit: or email: Prem Tinsulanonda International School 234 Moo 3, Huay Sai, Mae Rim, Chiang Mai 50180 I Tel.+ 66(0) 5330 1500