CityNews – The headmaster of Pang Hin School in Mae Jam was found in his car a day after he went missing. He crashed off the side of the road down a cliff and injured himself and became stuck in the car.
Somkid Kamkaew was found by a rescue volunteer the morning after he crashed down the side of a cliff, injuring himself and was stuck in the car. He was still alive so rescue crews rushed him to hospital.
He went missing on the way home the night before, and his family were up all night looking for him.
It took over an hour to get him out of the damaged car and back up to the main road where an ambulance was waiting. Somkid had broken ribs among other injuries.
His car was only discovered as a rescue volunteer stopped to urinate on the side of the road. Somkid is undergoing treatment at hospital and told reporters that he will make an official statement once he has recovered.