Press Release
Chiang Mai, Thailand – July 24th 2018, Flight of the Gibbon in conjunction with Chae Son National Park successfully completed a planting event with a total of 17,600 saplings planted to celebrate the birthday of Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun, King Rama 10 of Thailand in Chae Son National Park.
More than 400 people joined this tree planting event, which was supported by the National Park staff, members of the public, school children and government officials as well as Flight of the Gibbon staff. The site chosen to plant the saplings was selected due to being illegally cleared for corn plantations and 10 native tree species were carefully selected for the reforestation of the plot. Tree types were chosen as they were resistant to forest fires, ability to bear fruit for a number of different animal species and ability to create a broad canopy to create shady conditions to inhibit weeds.
This was the first of three tree planting events to be held in 2018, the next of which is to be held at Mae Kampong in 24th August 2018. Overall Flight of the Gibbon aims to plant 20,200 trees in 2018 and is one of several conservation initiatives the company is committed to which also includes a new mangrove planting initiative in Chonburi province.
2018 marks the 10-year anniversary since the beginning of Flight of the Gibbon tree planting events and every year Flight of the Gibbon has held at least one event with great success. Planting saplings is just one component of the reforestation efforts, our dedicated conservation team also conduct follow ups on all tree planting projects with maintenance being carried out which includes weeding and fertilizing to make sure the majority of these saplings survive to maturity.
The tree planting is just one of many planned for 2018 and such activities form part of a wider program of CSR / conservation projects Flight of the Gibbon is engaged in, which includes underprivileged project, reforestation projects, a camera trap project and more. For more information visit