CityNews – Chiang Mai based non-profit foundation Care For Dogs made an inspiring rescue yesterday, saving five puppies and their mother from a drain in Chang Phuak. The heartwarming Facebook photos that came as a result have garnered over 5,000 likes and counting, proving that we Chiang Mai-ans have a true soft spot for puppy love.
A soldier approaches the mother dog.
The story began yesterday, when Care For Dogs volunteer Jum received a call from two concerned Chiang Mai residents named Job and Phet. The pair had found a mother dog and her five tiny puppies living inside a drain at the moat in Chang Phuak. They were worried, because soon the water would be released into the moat, which could result in drowning for the puppies, still too young to swim.
Bobbing for puppies.
Hanging up the phone, Jum immediately headed to the moat to meet Job and Phet, and to assess the situation. Indeed, the pups were at risk. Luckily, Jum had arrived in time, and with help from Thai soldiers at the local base camp, they were able to save all six dogs.
Got one!
Today, the mother and five puppies are safe and sound at Care For Dogs.
Happily ever after!
Interested in volunteering with Care For Dogs? Visit their website at, email them at [email protected] or give them a call: 084 752 5255 (English) / 086 913 8701 (Thai). You can also visit their Facebook page: