We interviewed the talented Dick Holzhaus, who is the creator of an innovative concept called IniGrams, which is all about personalising your phone, laptop, notebooks or even Facebook pages.
Customizing a design on the website.
Dick hopes that IniGrams will become a platform for young designers to show off their designs and be paid for their artwork. The website’s current designs already have a multicultural focus, with an emphasis on Thai characters and styles. In the future, Dick wants to see IniGrams used by brands, companies, individuals, and artists all over the world. You can create your own Facebook covers for free, and have as many as you want.
Where did the idea for IniGrams first strike you?
One day, I was at an auction where I was handling a phone-sized cigarette case, which had a carved drawing of an elephant on the lid, with an elegant monogram. I wondered to myself, ‘What if I made something like this for my wife?’ I thought she would adore that sort of design as a lock screen for her phone. When I was working on that first design, I began to question whether it was possible to automate the process.
What are your inspirations for the designs?
I draw all the design by hand – I’m old school like that! I first started off with classic designs inspired by early 20th century luxury items. But I didn’t want to narrow down the target audience, so I started thinking about designs for men, women, and everyone else. Then I experimented with steampunk, grunge and minimalist themes. It’s really important to maintain ‘richness’ of design – that’s a big part of our concept with IniGrams.
What is your dream for IniGrams?
We want IniGrams to be like fashion for phones and other tech items. Our current collection of over 300 designs should be completely replaced by this time next year. My dream is for young, talented artists to create their own designs for the site, and get paid per sale. Technology evolves so rapidly, and I want IniGrams to be part of it. Next in line is IniGrams used with full motion, interactive lock screens. Maybe this can happen in 2015, or sooner!
Dick drawing a design at home.
Who is Dick Holzhaus?
Sometimes I refer to my associate, Marc Van Oldenborgh, as Sheldon (from The Big Bang Theory). One day he drove me up the wall with some annoying, geeky reasoning, and then at home, I complained to my wife.
“You are just like him, sweetie.” She said.
And it’s completely true. I like to pretend I am one of those swinging, broadminded creative-types, but my organized computer and working methods give it away: I’m a nerd. Plain and simple!
IniGrams’ photographer Kannika, who is always searching for inspiring designs in the world.
And lastly, what piece of advice do you have for those with the entrepreneurial spirit?
You’re never too old for amazing insights!
Check out Inigrams online here, and join their Facebook page here.