Spring is in full bloom, summer around the corner! Although it will become a bit wet here in Thailand, it is certainly getting warmer. You want a wash of vibrant new looks? To meet new friends? You wanna party?
Although the real party events didn’t make their way yet to Chiangmai, for night-life seekers there are always some clubs to be found where kinky partywear will get you dancing!And while it’s up to you as to how you choose to interpret and adapt the trends to suit your own personal style, that doesn’t mean we’re going to leave you short on guidance and inspiration.
This season the sheer clothing dominance met new heights, with runways all over the world caving in to the alluring aesthetic that highlights femininity as a fashion weapon.
Clear plastic garments and accessories have been popping up everywhere and since the rainy season is approaching; rain-proof, and boredom-proof, there’s nothing like a futuristic pop of transparent plastic to liven up an outfit. Look for a clear PVC or perspex raincoat: you’ll be on the right track.
Opt for outrageous high heels, which can be found in any shoe store, at any price in eye-popping summer colours.
Among the styles that managed to successfully energize the menswear department, camouflage prints stand tall. The timeless print is being re-envisioned for spring 2013, appearing more daring, yet effortlessly cool. It can be easiyl blend in with any of your garments.
Last but not least, with the opening in early June of The Promenada Resort Mall finally one can shop the trend as they will feature international brands as well as Thai design styles by smaller boutiques.
We can’t wait….