CityNews – A violent ex-husband has attacked a man leaving him severely injured.
The story of a man in a coma from suffering multiple injuries after protecting his woman from her ex-husband has gone viral on social media. Tong (alias), a 23 year old woman revealed to press on December 17th that she was at a pub with the 28 year old Tossawat Wongmun, the victim, when they ran into her ex-husband. After the night out she drove back home with a lady friend with the victim accompanying them. She stated that they were in fear that her ex-husband might follow her.
The 22 year old ex-husband showed up with an axe. When he approached them, Tossawat attempted to block Tong and her friend from his attack, resulting in him almost losing his ear and fingers with many injuries. The ex-husband then continued to attack Tong before fleeing from the scene.
Tong stated that the incident was deliberate as where they were was not her ex-husband’s road to his home and he arrived with a weapon. She added that during their marriage she had been abused often, especially when he was drunk. She reported the abuse multiple times including the time when he suffocated her with pillow which she described that she is lucky to be alive from that incident.
The violent ex-husband turned himself in on December 15th. He is charged with attempted murder.