Gold Necklace Snatcher Arrested

 | Fri 8 May 2015 04:56 ICT

CityNews – Sanpatong police arrested a man after he was accused of theft and bag snatching, Wednesday May 6.

gold snatcher

Police arrested 30-year-old Wanlob Muangin on Wednesday afternoon, seizing three motorcycles without license plates and a golden necklace.

Police arrested the man after it was reported that a man who fit his description snatched a gold necklace from 39-year-old Yosita Saengsrichan and escaped on a motorcycle.

Police followed him, as he passed the police station where the crime was reported.

Wanlop admitted to stealing the necklace, and confessed to snatching bags on four other occasions in different areas in Sanpatong.

He now awaits prosecution.