Chiang Mai’s public health office has announced that as of the beginning of this month Thais over 60 as well as those with any of the following diseases – chronic respiratory diseases, heart or blood vessel conditions, chronic kidney failure, stroke, obesity, cancer and diabetes – will be prioritized for receiving the first vaccinations.
The registration process began on the 1st of this month and the vaccinations will begin on the 7th of May. A total of 523,080 people in this initial group will be vaccinated before the 31st July.
If anyone thinks that they may fit into this category but are not already on the registry for the above diseases, they can take a doctor’s note along with their ID card to register at any of the hospitals listed (Maharaj, Neurological, Suan Prung, Mother and Child and McCormick) or one of the two vaccination centres at the public health office Promenada and at the Gym 2 at the 700 year stadium.
So far 22,569 people have registered in Chiang Mai, far below the target, and officials are urging everyone to register.
Of the 3,766 people who have tested positive in Chiang Mai this year, 1,261 are still under care, with 946 asymptomatic or with very minor symptoms, 159 with mild symptoms, 66 under close monitoring due to respiratory issues or underlying conditions and 20, mostly seniors, in critical condition.
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