Your Say

 |  July 29, 2011

• The Great 20th Issue

Best edition of Citylife ever! Congratulations. Great articles, from industry giants and overall July’s Citylife showcased the best this magazine has to offer.

Keep it up boys and girls.

A fan

• The Right Choice

Thanks for including all those great writers and journalists in your mag last month. Each one of them brings something different and interesting to the table. People such as those interviewees and writers are doing a stand-up job in Thailand, unlike many farang here who treat Thailand like a never-ending Club 18-30 (18-90?) holiday. It’s great to get ‘real’ fresh perspectives on life here in LOS from foreign thinkers and Thais alike. Citylife brings intelligent, sometimes subversive, voices to the fore when all other media seems only interested in PR. You are doing a brilliant job guys, no other magazine in Thailand can be compared.


• Rain, Rain, Rain

Is it me or is this the most rainy rainy season ever? It seems to be chucking it down every time I leave the house?


• Filling My Boots

I have filled in my Citylife readers survey again for the second year in a row, and am very much looking forward to winning the tickets to Bangkok. I do, however, urge you to take heed of my comments. I do think that Citylife, as a city magazine, needs to feature less big articles which are more abstract, and should focus more on what is actually happening in the city. Who’s who? What’s happening? What’s in trend? Where to go? More of this please and less of your pontificating.

Somchai R.

• Thrift

I really like your mag, but to be honest so many of places in there I can’t afford to go to. Once in a while it would be nice to feature some hotels in the modest price range, or good restaurants selling foreign food at affordable prices. Could you do that?


[Ed. We do try and cover all prices ranges. You will be happy to know that the September issue of the magazine will be the ‘shoestring’ issue, featuring all things great and cheap.]

• Heads

Does anyone know what happened to all those faces Abhisit lost during the elections last month? My guess is there is a big pile of torn out faces in some dude’s garage somewhere. On a more serious note, really, what the hell happened to the thousands of posters all over Chiang Mai and beyond? Hope they’re getting recycled and are not just garbage rotting away somewhere…a bit like political policies. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

Elena P.

• The Man in the Street

Sorry, my English is not well. The man in the photo is hanging around Tha Pae Gate. He sleeps in a wat. The monks do not take care of him in my opinion. Now and again his trousers are torn and he almost walks around naked. His shirt he has worn for more than 2 months. It seems nobody wants to take care of him, again in my opinion this is not very Buddhist. If you give this matter some attention maybe his situation will change.

J.J. Burghoon