Citylife was invited to participate in the Ricola event “Taste, explore, play” in Bangkok to explore the exciting flavours and learn about the incredible history and health benefits of their lozenges. Who better to send than our very own Spoon&Fork editor, Auntie Spoon.
It was an exciting opportunity, as the only attendee from Chiang Mai we had to make an impression. The Ricola team told us beforehand to expect surprises and excitement throughout, and for me, well I was excited just being in Bangkok!
When I arrived, a little early as I had already spent half the day killing time after leaving the airport. Up to floor 24 of the Muse Hotel and I was greeted with a smiling team of Ricola representatives who invited myself and other guests to sign up and prepare for a fun afternoon ahead. We all had to press a buzzer that instead of buzzing, played the familiar sound of the Ricola theme yodel, Ri…co…la!
The doors were opened and we continued up a flight of stairs to the hotel’s rooftop bar on the 25th floor. More representatives from both Thailand and Singapore were there to greet us, and like meeting old friends their smiles were soothing, just like the Ricola lozenges themselves!
The afternoon then quickly moved onto games and fun. The herb station was opened and specailists were waiting to answer our questions and use us as test subjects for some of their newest flavours. They also brought with them the 13 herbs that go into all their lozenges that are the active ingredients that give Ricola their famous taste and superior results. They told Citylife that all the herbs are naturally grown in Switzerland and all play a unique role, from flavour to colour to health benefits.
The herbs that are grown by the Swiss farmers are guaranteed to be the best of the best. When you enjoy a Ricola, regardless of the flavour you chose, you can be safe in the knowledge that they not only soothe and nourish your throat, but also freshen your breath and keep you feeling vibrant all day. Some of the herbs used are even antibacterial, adding another level of care from such a simple lozenge! It was quite incredible learning about how Ricola came to be what it is today, and the science behind the traditional herbs used in Switzerland for centuries.
From just that one station, I learnt so much. Moving on I explored what else Ricola had to offer us that day, and I couldn’t help but feel very privileged to be there. It was like I was being told all their secrets!
Nearing the end of the event, the food was cleared away and the big horn was blown. The representatives boiled some water and served us some of their new Ricola tea, made from all the goodness in the lozenges but powdered and ready to be drunk. Both the Lemon and the Good Night flavours were interesting and warming, perfect for clearing the sinuses and soothing the throat, especially when you have a cough. Given the smoky season in Chiang Mai, I decided to take some home with me, no doubt I’ll need them at some point this spring!
The best news for me however, is that they are now sold in almost all the 7-Elelvens, Tesco Lotus stores and Family Mart stores across the country, so it will be hard to run out anytime soon. Next time you pop a Ricola in your mouth, take a minute to think about the herbs and the history of this simple but world-famous lozenge.
For more information, visit their Thai website or buy a product in a 7-Eleven, Tesco or Family Mart.