Absolute Wellness with Absolute Health

 |  July 1, 2017

About 70-80% of our immune system is most active in the gut and digestive tract. That is how important our digestive system is. It not only feeds us by extracting all the things it needs from our food, but also is the place where all the bad stuff is kept at bay. But with great power, comes great responsibility. Everything we eat affects the behaviour of our immune system and how our body works, from chewing all the way to digestion. Good eating habits promote a heathly body and strong immune system, and food with poor nutritional value can quickly cause our body to deteriorate, along with our immune system too.

Short term sicknesses like constipation, flatulence and acid reflux are common with anyone who eats a poor diet, even if it’s a one off, but these can lead to more chronic illnesses such as diabetes, obesity and even cancer. Although our eating habits are important, our neural system affects us too, with our general behaviour affecting lethargy and energy levels too, that eventually result in a change in our immune systems capability to respond to threats.

At Chiang Mai’s Absoulte Health Intergrative Medicine clinic, they do all they can to help you achieve your peak when it comes to your digestive health and immune system. Their concept is to help cure and prevent issues that have yet to fully form in the body, by analysing the type of disorder along with individual physique conditions. Numerous therapies are available offering individualised treatments to suit each patient’s needs and lifestyle. Detoxification is one of these treatments, which helps purify our body from toxins that we acquire daily, both from consumption and other sources. By doing this you help prevent diseases and aging issues from the inside out. Absolute Health also provides health checkup programme that helps you understand your habits and how they affect your body. Finding and changing any negative aspects will help improve your health and open up advanced treatments that benefit your health effectively and sustainably.

8/1 Nimmanhamin Road Soi 7, Suthep Sub-District, Muang Chiang Mai District
Open 9am – 6pm

Tel. 053 223 023, 095 626 4522

Email: info@absolute-health.org

Facebook: AbsoluteHealthChiangmai
