Producers Against American Pork Import Proposal

 | Thu 14 Sep 2017 07:29 ICT

CityNews – A hundred pig farmers from Chiang Mai and Lamphun marched to the City Hall in Chiang Mai, protesting against a proposal by the United States to export pork into Thailand.

On September 13th, after a rumour that United State Administration has been pushing Thai Government to buy pork from them, a protest group was formed to oppose the idea.

According to the President of the Northern Pig Producer Association, the pork meat in Thailand is already over supplied with the selling price at just 57 to 58 baht per kilo, of which 55 to 56 baht are incurred in costs leaving just 1 or 2 baht profit per kilo.

The President added that the meat that would be imported would be poor quality meat that does not meet American food standards, and that the US uses lots of hormones and unnatural processes to make the pork redder.

The complaint has been received by the Chiang Mai Commercial Office and it is now under consideration.