Mother of Boy With Hydrocephalus Looking for Help

 | Thu 17 Sep 2015 04:42 ICT

CityNews – On September 16, a mother of a baby born with hydrocephalus living in the Nong Hoi area has reached out for help with medical expenses after she has to take her child out of the hospital.

Water on the brain

According to 31-year-old Saowarat Suphawan, she learnt of her child’s physical conflictions when she was around 4 months pregnant. Doctors told her the disease has no cure and her child will not live long after birth.

Hydrocephalus is a medical condition where there is an abnormal amount of cerebral fluid on the brain, often referred to as ‘water on the brain’.

The baby boy, Phutawan Suphawan, is now 1 year and eight months old.

She had to discharge him from hospital in April and care for him at home, but as her home was so hot, Phutawan often had seizures. They are now living at her sister’s house.

In these desperate times, Saowarat is trying to raise money to cover living costs and medical costs for her son at roughly 5,000 to 6,000 baht a month.

Her husband’s income is not enough to support her and her son.

For more information, feel free to contact Saowarat at 084 808 8568.

UPDATE: An Indiegogo page has been set up to try and raise funds for Phutawan. You can donate money via the website here.