61 Year Old Burns Himself to Death because of Debt

 | Fri 28 Aug 2015 06:46 ICT

CityNews — The badly burned body of Jamrat Phayawang, 61, from Saraphi District was discovered following a house fire on 27th August. Neighbours reported that Jamrat had been depressed for a long time over mounting debt and after his vehicle was reclaimed recently he appeared to be even more depressed. He had also just moved into this new house alone and appeared to be very unhappy. Neighbours also say that he had once tried to commit suicide by drinking poison, but was stopped in time.

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On the day of the fire neighbours noticed smoke coming out of his house and quickly called the fire department who arrived 30 minutes later. Unfortunately it was too late and once the fire was doused they discovered Jamrat’s corpse on his bed next to a two gallon can of petrol and a burnt tyre.